Howard 2014:名前の類似効果とセルフモニタリング
Daniel J. Howard, Roger A. Kerin
Individual Differences in the Name Similarity Effect: The Role of Self-Monitoring
Journal of Individual Differences, 35 (2), 111-118.
DOI 10.1027/1614-0001/a000133
The name similarity effect is the tendency to like people, places, and things with names similar to our own. Although many researchers have examined name similarity effects on preferences and behavior, no research to date has examined whether individual differences exist in susceptibility to those effects. This research reports the results of two experiments that examine the role of self-monitoring in moderating name similarity effects. In the first experiment, name similarity effects on brand attitude and purchase intentions were found to be stronger for respondents high, rather than low, in self-monitoring. In the second experiment, the interactive effect observed in the first study was found to be especially true in a public (vs. private) usage context. These findings are consistent with theoretical expectations of name similarity effects as an expression of egotism manifested in the image and impression management concerns of high self-monitors.
attitudes, individual differences, egotism
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