
Hou 2011:ソーシャルゲームの利用と満足



Jinghui Hou
First Monday, Volume 16, Number 7 - 4 July 2011
Uses and gratifications of social games: Blending social networking and game play

This study applied a uses and gratifications approach to investigate social games — the game applications integrated in social networking platforms. Users’ expected social gratifications and game gratifications from playing social games were examined. The investigation focused on three dimensions of game play: frequency, duration, and engagement of game activities. A hierarchical regression analysis found that social interaction and diversion are positive predictors of game play. Results suggest that there is a distinctly social aspect to social games that reflects their social networking characteristics. Social games should be described as social media rather than as just one category of online computer games.


スティールの『 ステレオタイプの科学 』に、こんなエピソードが紹介されている。  ある伝説の英雄と同姓同名の人物に出会ったことで、研究上の疑問が解けたという話である。  シャーマン・ジェームズは、人種による健康格差の問題に取り組む公衆衛生研究者である。たとえば、アメリカの黒人は白...