
Moorea 2012:FBとビッグファイブ

The influence of personality on Facebook usage, wall postings, and regret
Kelly Moorea and James C. McElroy
Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 267-274 doi:10.1016/j.chb.2011.09.009

The Five Factor Model of personality has been used extensively in the management and psychology fields to predict attitudes and behaviors. Only recently have researchers begun to examine the role of psychological factors in influencing an individual’s use of technology platforms, such as Facebook. This study uses both a survey of Facebook users and actual Facebook data to uncover why some individuals are more involved in Facebook than others. 219 undergraduate students participated in a survey that assessed their personality and their reported usage of Facebook. Of these, 143 voluntarily befriended the investigator, which gave her access to their actual Facebook sites and objective data on their number of friends, photos, and wall postings. Results showed personality to explain significant amounts of variance over and above gender and Facebook experience in terms of actual number of Facebook friends, the nature of their wall postings and on their level of regret for inappropriate Facebook content.

► Study based on both survey data and actual Facebook data. ► Survey data looks at personality, time spent on Facebook, frequency of use and regret. ► Actual Facebook data included number of friends, photos and wall postings. ► Personality explained more of actual than reported Facebook use and content. ► All personality factors except openness predicted Facebook user regret.

Keywords: Facebook; Personality; Five Factor Model (FFM)


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