
Erin 2011:個人日記ブログを続ける動機


Erin E. Hollenbaugh. (2011). Motives for Maintaining Personal Journal Blogs.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(1-2), 13-20.



Although much has been learned about political and news blogs, there has been a lack of research on personal journal blogs. They deserve further research attention because of the implications blogs have in many bloggers' immediate social networks, as well as the opportunities for scientific inquiry in a rich and evolving communication environment. This study explored bloggers' motives for maintaining personal journal blogs, or blogs that resemble diaries about one's personal life. Stemming from the uses and gratifications perspective, antecedents (age, sex, loneliness, disclosiveness) and blogging motives composed a model for predicting the amount of blog use. Seven motives emerged from online survey data: helping/informing, social connection, pass time, exhibitionism, archiving/organizing, professionalism, and get feedback. Age, sex, loneliness, and disclosiveness predicted different motives, and the total model (age, sex, loneliness, disclosiveness, and motives) was useful for explaining 13% of the variance in the amount of blog use.


スティールの『 ステレオタイプの科学 』に、こんなエピソードが紹介されている。  ある伝説の英雄と同姓同名の人物に出会ったことで、研究上の疑問が解けたという話である。  シャーマン・ジェームズは、人種による健康格差の問題に取り組む公衆衛生研究者である。たとえば、アメリカの黒人は白...