
Ho 2011:中国ウィキペディアの参加者


Knowledge-Sharing Intention in a Virtual Community: A Study of Participants in the Chinese Wikipedia

Shun-Chuan Ho, Ping-Ho Ting, Dong-Yih Bau, Chun-Chung Wei
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. September 2011, 14(9): 541-545.


This study proposes a model for evaluating virtual community members' knowledge-sharing intention toward Chinese Wikipedia. The results of this study reveal that knowledge-sharing intention is influenced directly by attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, whereas anticipated reciprocal relationships and enjoying helping are positively related to attitude; sense of self-worth and peer influences are positively related to subjective norms; and self-efficacy and resource-facilitating conditions are positively related to perceived behavioral control on knowledge sharing.
