
Harris 1983:ペットの選好と名前


Harris, Mary B. 1983
Some factors influencing selection and naming of pets.
Psychological Reports, Vol 53(3, Pt 2), 1163-1170.

sex & preference for indoor vs outdoor life, preferences & selection & naming of dogs & cats, pet owners
Conducted 3 studies of factors influencing the selection and naming of pets: a questionnaire survey of 224 pet owners, an experimental study manipulating characteristics of a stimulus person and asking for recommendations for a pet and its name (n = 198), and an archival study of a veterinarian's records (n = 84). Ss owned a variety of pets chosen for a number of reasons, especially love and companionship. Two classification systems did not show a relationship of pet names to characteristics of the pets or their owners, except that Ss' desire for original pet names was reflected in the names of their dogs. However, some characteristics of the owners were related to characteristics of the chosen pets. Females and persons preferring indoor activities owned smaller breeds of dogs. Male pets, dogs, and larger breeds were recommended more often for a male. Dogs, particularly large breeds, were recommended less often for an indoor person; larger breeds were suggested for someone living in a house.


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