
Feng et al., 2016:オンラインサポートにおける個人情報の効用


Is a Profile Worth a Thousand Words? How Online Support-Seeker’s Profile Features May Influence the Quality of Received Support Messages

Bo Feng1
Siyue Li1
Na Li1
1University of California, Davis, CA, USA
Bo Feng, Department of Communication, One Shields Avenue, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA. Email: bfeng@ucdavis.edu

Communication Research, March 2016 vol. 43 no. 2 253-276, first published on December 3, 2013 doi:10.1177/0093650213510942


Although there is an increasing amount of research on support-seeking in cyberspace, very little is known about what features of online support-seeking can enhance the quality of received support. The present experiment examined how support-seekers’ use of cues to personal identity in their user profile can influence the level of person-centeredness and politeness in others’ responses to their support-seeking postings. Results showed that support-seekers whose user profile contained a portrait picture and a first name ID tended to receive higher person-centered and more polite support messages than support-seekers whose user profile did not contain those cues to personal identity.

online forums, personal identity cues, profile, support-seeking, social presence, trust, person-centeredness, politeness