
Liu 2016:FBのフレンドの書き込みと社会比較

Do Our Facebook Friends Make Us Feel Worse? A Study of Social Comparison and Emotion
FBのフレンドはわれわれの気分を悪化させるか? 社会比較と情緒の研究
Jiangmeng Liu, Cong Li, Nick Carcioppolo and Michael North
Human Communication Research
Volume 42, Issue 4 Pages 507 - 661, October 2016

 People often compare themselves to others to gain a better understanding of the self in a process known as social comparison. The current study discusses how people engage in a social comparison process on Facebook, and how observing content from their Facebook friends may affect their emotions. A 2 (comparison direction) × 2 (relational closeness) × 2 (self-esteem) between-subjects experiment was conducted with 163 adult participants. The results revealed a significant 3-way interaction such that people with high self-esteem would be happier receiving positive information than negative information from their close friends, but the effect would be the opposite if the information was from a distant friend. There was no such difference for people with low self-esteem.


スティールの『 ステレオタイプの科学 』に、こんなエピソードが紹介されている。  ある伝説の英雄と同姓同名の人物に出会ったことで、研究上の疑問が解けたという話である。  シャーマン・ジェームズは、人種による健康格差の問題に取り組む公衆衛生研究者である。たとえば、アメリカの黒人は白...